G.I Joe

For the final panel, Where its Going, we decided to remake a G.I Joe PSA that were originally made in the 1980s. We all picked futuristic topics of the internet. I really think they turned out great! I picked self driving cars. I’ll place the video below. Before I do though, I found a few Continue reading

Up in the Cloud

So for the final presentation, I am paired with Maddie and Matt. We all decided to use the topic of cloud computing. As we were meeting before our presentations, we all decided to split up the work and pick different sides to cloud computing. I was tasked with the history portion to the presentation. I Continue reading

Social Media within Politics

Today in class, 4/10, we discussed how social media can effect or sway a political stance. And to be honest I’m not really known to be very political. I just participated in my first election and I have to say I had no idea who some of candidates were for the senate election this past Continue reading


I really like having the class discussions throughout the course of the semester. I really like listening to what other people have to say. On Tuesday, 4/8, we discussed the topic of cyber bullying. We talked about ways to stop cyber bullying. However, we came up with a dilemma, what do we define cyber bullying Continue reading

Phase 1, Research

For the final project, the class was split up into groups and each group picked their own topics. My group is doing cloud computing. We are still currently in the researching phase of our final project. But here are some of the websites that I found were really interesting. This PDF, called A View of Continue reading

Social and Cultural Impacts on the Internet

Social media definitely has a a major impact on my life. Especially Facebook. I first got my Facebook in 2009. At first I had to hide it from my parents, which took some effort, but then during the summer of 2009 I was allowed to have it. Facebook was just a time filler because I Continue reading

Digital Identity

This week in our class panels, we discussed our digital identities. This is definitely an interesting topic, because it can also be a good thing but it can also hurt you. If you think about it, when you are applying for jobs, your future employer can look for what you post online and decide if Continue reading

Property and Fair Use Videos

We had to watch 2 videos for class. They were about property and fair use. Now this has become a changing topic throughout history. In the TED talk Lawrence Lessig, talked about how this is true. He mentioned stories throughout history that had a major impact on property and fair use. The first one was Sousa, Continue reading

How Gopher Works Video

Here is my video! Sorry its so late, I was having trouble getting the video to export. Enjoy!