How Code, Network Protocols, and Cloud Computing are related

So as I was going to upload the html and jpeg files I noticed that I may have done this wrong. I linked three different articles together not through one specific topic of mine though. Hope thats okay! But here is my image and the Cmap itself is here.

What technology may look like in 50 years

I imagine future technology to be completely different than it is today. I mean granted there will still be some piece of technology still in use, like cars and maybe  cell phones. But I think the cars will be computerized and you won’t have to drive them. I also think there will be sims card Continue reading

Summary 6: Network protocols

In the article Network Protocols, Brad Gilmer basically gives a run down on network protocols. These are critical in running some computer networks throughout the internet. He explains some of those like ethernet, IP, User Data protocol, and the Real Time Transport protocol. Ethernet is a way to connect to the internet but it is Continue reading

Summary 5: Code is Speech

In the article Code is Speech, Gabriella Coleman explains in great detail about coding, the language of computer programs. Now I’m not that into the technical side of computers and coding, but I found this article to be very interesting. Coleman does a great job in explaining how coding works and what it does. She Continue reading

Summary 4: Feel the force; Technology and the future

In the article Feel the force; Technology and the future, The author, of the Economist explains Evgeny Morozov view point on Silicon Valley. Now he takes a big view point saying that the internet “is the perfect tool for repressive states to control their citizens.” The author also brings in the view point of Jaron Lanier, who blames Continue reading

Summary 3: Big Brother versus anonymity on the Internet

Big Brother versus anonymity on the Internet: implications for Internet service providers, libraries and individuals since 9/11, is about how anonymity is changing with the internet. Jelke Nijboer, explains how anonymity in the real world was better, where you could just have a conversation with a person at the bus stop with out giving them Continue reading

Summary 2: 3D Printing Disrupts Manufacturing

The article 3D Printing Disrupts Manufacturing, by Irene Petrick, explains how three dimensional printing will disrupt manufacturing. She says “Today we are entering an era many believe will be as disruptive to the manufacturing sector as the Industrial Revolution was–the age of 3D printing.” And in some ways I agree with her. 3D printing is a way Continue reading

Summary 1: Cloud Computing Efficiency

In the article Cloud Computing Efficiency, by Linda Bowers, explains how cloud computing is moving towards the one of the biggest new things in technology. Now what is cloud computing? It is a massive interconnected network that links devices. For example, I can send a document into the cloud from my computer, then I can Continue reading


Hi! So for class, we are supposed to make a gif of what ever we want. I recently saw the Wolf of Wall Street and this scene popped up in my head. Enjoy! p.s. the header image is from the the Wolf of Wall Street Website