The Secret Life of Beatrice Russell
Hiya! For my final project I decided to use Beatrice Russell as my main focus. I created 4 social media sites for her: Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. I decided to use these social media sites because I thought she would want to focus on things outside of work. I thought Facebook and Instagram would […]
Stringer’s Demise Swede
Hiya! So the Swede a Scene (5 stars) was by far my favorite assignment this semester! I really enjoyed it! With the help of my group members, Amy, David, Demi, and Carmela, we recreated Season 3 episode 11 of the Wire. Now SPOILER ALERT, this is where one of the main character, Stringer is murdered. So […]
Video Essay
Hiya! The Video Essay (5 stars) was an interesting assignment. Instead of using what ever film or TV show we wanted, we were tasked with using the Wire. I decided to use season 4 episode 1 for this. And at first I was really excited to do this assignment and I saw some great themes throughout […]
Lion King in 5 Seconds
Hiya! The 5-Second Film (5 stars) was a lot of fun! It was tough though to get all of the footage in in 5-seconds. I wanted to add maybe a good 20 seconds of footage but I had to scale back. So I settled on 0.5 seconds clips for the whole time. When deciding what to use […]
Carcetti Hates Calling for Money
That Bleep Censor (5 stars) was actually a lot of fun to make! I was watching Season 4 Episode 1 in preparation for my Video Essay, and I thought this scene was another great one to bleep out! The best one would be where Bunk and McNulty we recreating the murder scene in season 1. Amy […]
Video Week!
Happy Novemeber! Hope you all had a great Halloween! Its feels like fall outside and its wonderful! I really enjoyed this week! I love working with video and it was a treat to edit the videos together. So here’s what I did this week: Comments: Maggie’s post If Samuel L. Jackson Were A Chipmunk Brittany’s […]
Look, Listen, Analyze
Hiya! For the Look, Listen, Analyze, portion of our assignments this week I wanted to incorporate an opening scene. I wanted to do this because when I first watch an episode its usually from the beginning. So the opening scene would be perfect! I decided to use episode 10 from season 3: Look: So […]
Fritz Lang's M Reflection
So this is the first 7 minutes to Fritz Lang’s M, and I have to say I was thoroughly confused throughout the entire scene until the very end. Since it was in German, I was confused because I couldn’t fully understand what the dialogue was. I took German in high school so I knew partially what they […]
Chipmunk Style
So for the assignment Chipmunk Style (2 1/2 Stars), I decided to use the Paper Bag speech from season 3 episode 2 of the Wire. I decided to use this scene because it was a serious part of the season and I thought this would be an interesting take on this part! I saw Brittany’s […]
Sleepy Shot
So for today’s daily create we were tasked with taking a best sleepy shot. I first thought of my cat, Bo. He sleeps in the cutest ways sometimes. I took this picture a while back when I caught him sleeping with his paw over his face. Isn’t he cute!