Finishing Up!

This is so bittersweet! My last post for wire106 and ds106 (hopefully not ds106)! This semester was so much fun and its all thanks to this class! Ds106 was my favorite class I’ve taken so far here at UMW and I’m really glad I decided to take it. I was on the fence over the summer […]

Beadie's To-do List

Hi! So for one of the final assignments I decided to make a To-do list for Beatrice! This was worth 3 stars. I had  a lot of fun with this! It was really cool to actually sit down and think about what Beatrice might need to do during the week. So I got inspiration from […]

What's The Difference?

For this assignment we had to take a picture of something then take another one where we change something around in the picture itself. I decided my cork board on my desk would be the perfect place for this! I Have a lot of pictures and memories on this board so I figured it would […]

Where's the Difference?!?

So you’ve come to find out what I moved around in the pictures? Well you’re in luck! While I was thinking about what to change around in the photo, I thought I would throw a little curve ball in there. I decided that moving one object would be too obvious. So I moved two things! […]

Favorite Lyrics

3 1/2 star finished! This assignment was a lot of fun! I was supposed to find my favorite lyric and add it to a photo. While scrolling through the assignment page, this caught my eye just like my story map did. As I started brainstorming what I wanted to do for this assignment, I realized that […]


Another assignment down! This one was actually a lot of fun! I decided to do this at 12:40 am this morning (or last night since I hadn’t fallen asleep yet). This was the list I got when I logged on the the photoblitzer site. This site makes a random list of things to take a […]

Journey to a Great City

So 4 stars down! As part of our visual week, I was going through the Visual Assignment Bank and the Story Map really caught my eye. I I was quickly running through different trips that I took that would fit perfectly into this, and I couldn’t stop thinking about my trip to London back in January of […]