Sleepy Shot

So for today’s daily create we were tasked with taking a best sleepy shot. I first thought of my cat, Bo. He sleeps in the cutest ways sometimes. I took this picture a while back when I caught him sleeping with his paw over his face. Isn’t he cute!

Food Art!

Hi there! Today for the daily create we had to make food art! I decided to take some of the leftover halloween candy I had and I decided to make a pyramid with it! I had a lot of bottle caps so thats why I used them! Here it is!  

Tremendous Amount of Daily Creates!

Here’s today’s daily create! It was definitely a milestone since it is the 1000th day. We were supposed to pick 3 different photos from different daily creates and either collage them or merge them together. There were a few options to pick from in the description, one from the 1st, 10th, or the 100th daily […]

Swirling Water!

Hiya! Here is my daily create #1! I thought this was so cool when I saw that it was the daily create for the day! I did a little brainstorming before I went to film the final product. I wanted to be original in the way I figured it out. But with all of the […]

Early Morning Meal with My Cats

Today’s daily create was to take a picture of something that you used to do with a pet. Well, since I’m living in a dorm this year I can’t actually have a pet so I used an old photo that I took before I came back to school. I used to get up for the opening […]