3 1/2 star finished! This assignment was a lot of fun! I was supposed to find my favorite lyric and add it to a photo. While scrolling through the assignment page, this caught my eye just like my story map did. As I started brainstorming what I wanted to do for this assignment, I realized that I didn’t have just one favorite song. I have a few favorite songs. So I set off to find the perfect pictures to go along with my 3 favorite songs. After I found the pictures I went to a photo editing website called PicMonkey. This site really helped when it came to adding the text to the picture. I used iPhoto to edit the pictures themselves and PicMonkey to add the text and the borders. Below are my findings!

Check it out on Flickr!
Check it out on Flickr!


This first lyric is from a song called The Ghosts That We Knew, by Mumford and Sons. This song is my all time favorite song. I just get a good vibe while listening to this song and the lyrics are very well written. I took this photo this weekend while I was on a retreat in Maryland. The views there were incredible! After I added the text to the picture in PicMonkey, I was playing around with the different borders and I came across one that made it look like a polaroid. I thought this really added a great touch to the picture.


Click to see it on Flickr!
Click to see it on Flickr!

I took this picture when I was on a vacation in Vermont over the summer. We were driving through mountains to the resort we were staying at during the week. I thought this picture would be perfect for my next song, Trouble. I chose the next song because this band, American Authors, is one of my favorite. They are a band from Brooklyn, New York. I was fortunate enough to see them in concert over the summer so that’s where I really began to like them. You can check out the video over here!

Here it is on Flickr!
Here it is on Flickr!

This final picture is from my mission trip to Nicaragua over the summer of 2013. We were at the beach over on the Pacific side of the country. There was a storm just holding off over the water. This picture was a product of that wonderful storm. I decided to use this picture for the next lyric, Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse. I decided to use this one because I felt like it wasn’t too rainy but there was still a hint of rain. Like that even though things seem bad, it will always get better. I like this lyric because its like there is someone with you on that bad time as well.

I really enjoyed making these photos and I really enjoyed taking those photos! I like to take pictures whenever I can because I feel like I can freeze a moment in time. I hope you guys enjoy these photos!

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