Comic Book

I really like how this reading was a comic book. It added was refreshing to read instead of the past readings we have had. The reading was the story of how much corruption President Harding allowed to happen during his administration. There was a ton, including embezzlement and other crimes. Harding had a child with […]

Short Stories

I loved how there were different stories of the homicides going on. Each one came from newspapers. I thought Senor Felipe Carillo was insane, he poisoned his mother when she was over 100? Why would he do that!? She was already living a wonderful life. However, he ended up committing suicide because he missed her […]


First off, I thought it was cool that “Benjamin Franklin” was blogging about this crime. He mentioned a lot about how the girl died. And I particularly found this one very interesting because it is now in a time period that I am familiar with but also this is a new type of punishment given. […]


Well, in the first reading, Strang and Mrs. Whipple poisoned Mr. Whipple. They put arsenic in his tea. However, this didn’t kill him right away. I was strongly confused when I read this because I figured he would’ve died right away from the arsenic poisoning, but he didn’t. I was surprised when Mrs. Whipple gave […]

Yo ho Yo ho, a Pirate’s life for me

I really liked these readings, It was a little palette cleanser to the Foccualt. I especially loved the Pirates. You normally think that piracy happens in other places around the world, but it really happened in our backyard, most of the time many ships were boarded at Cape Hatteras. Most of the ships were headed […]


I found it very peculiar, while reading, that the author described that torture as a whole disappeared during the Revolutionary period 1760-1840.  The body became a sacred. Torture was aimed more towards the soul now. We talk about torture as only something that occurs in wartime scenarios. But I didn’t think that torture would become […]

Criminal from the Get Go

Owen Syllvan was a criminal from the beginning. He was “possessed” by a spirit as a boy. He then became an indentured slave for a ticket to New England. After he worked his time, he then became a criminal, printing counterfeit money. He was caught then thrown in jail for the printing. He married, unhappily, […]


Its gross to think that public executions used to be a form of entertainment during this time period. James only stabbed a man while he was drunk and then he became the center of the public’s attention after his sentence. Granted he was the first public execution in 7 years, which drew and even bigger […]