Turning 10

In August 2013 (Whois.com officially says August 28, 2013), 18-year-old Meredith sat in her first college class at Mary Washington. I was introduced to a thing called a domain name. She was asked to register a domain name as part of a class and was asked to write weekly reflections on the readings. And she […]

Updraft Plus vs All-in-One

During the discussion of the February intentional learning, Jim mentioned he started using the All-in-One WP migration plugin when working with WordPress to WordPress migrations. Through the many migrations I’ve done while at Reclaim, I’ve found the easiest option is to use a backup/migration plugin like UpDraft or All-in-One, because most of the time I […]

Setting Up a Feed with Feedly

Working at Reclaim means I get to interact with people who do incredible work within the Ed Tech community. I was first exposed to this at #domains17 and I remember thinking that I wanted to keep up with all of these wonderful folks and the work their doing. At first, I had no idea how I could […]

Reclaiming my Internship

Hello everyone! I haven’t posted in a while. But I’m really glad to get back to the blog! You’ll see a lot more posts from my this semester because I am blogging for two major things happening as I begin to finish up my time at Mary Washington. I can’t believe I’m set to graduate […]

Pixel Playground

In London, I took a class called Pixel Playground. This class was an art class focused in Photoshop, taking a hand drawn approach to digital art. Comic Book Cover Revamp: This first project I worked with a group to create a modern take on comic book covers of marvel heroes. I chose Ironman and this […]

Finishing Up!

This is so bittersweet! My last post for wire106 and ds106 (hopefully not ds106)! This semester was so much fun and its all thanks to this class! Ds106 was my favorite class I’ve taken so far here at UMW and I’m really glad I decided to take it. I was on the fence over the summer […]

Inspiration: Stringer and Avon Fight Chipmunk Style

My second inspiration is Brittany’s post Stringer and Avon Fight Chipmunk Style. And I have to say this is hilarious! I love the Chipmunk assignment! I love how she used this scene because it is a major one, and the chipmunk effect makes it a little lighter. It almost makes if ironic. The video is […]

Inspiration: Backwards Shootout

I am really enjoying the inspires! For my first inspire this week, I decided to choose Amy’s Backwards Shootout. I really like this! I like how she decided to use this particular scene because it was such a pivotal scene. Its an interesting spin as well because it is played in reverse, so its like […]

First Live Tweeting Session

Well I feel like I can now officially be welcomed to the twitter sphere. Although I’ve had my account since 2009, I haven’t actually participated in a live tweet session. As one of our things to participate in this week, we were required to sit down and live tweet an episode of the Wire, either […]

Getting GIFfy With It

So this week, we were assigned to make 6 gifs to summarize an episode from The Wire. I decided to make gifs from Episode 9 “Gameday.” The episode starts off where Stringer and Barksdale are talking about Omar. They know he’s been starting his own little drug ring in their territory. But they also know […]