Experimenting with Timeline JS
Hiya! Its the start of the new semester! Since its the first week back at school I decided to play around with Timeline JS to get a little refresher. I’d never really worked with Timeline before but I got the hang of it really quickly! Over the break I watched the flim The Imitation Game and I loved […]
Say it Like the Peanut Butter
Hiya! So this week in the DKC is visual week! So for one of our assignments Say it Like the Peanut Butter, we were tasked with making an animated GIF! And I was really excited about this assignment! Making GIFs is one of my favorite thing to make. There are so many endless possibilities to topics of […]
Return to The Silent Era
Hi there! This week in the DKC (Digital Knowledge Center) We focused on video editing. So as part of our training we get to work with different assignments in the ds106 assignment bank. So I decided to Return to the Silent Era! In this assignment I was to take a trailer and render it so that […]