Finishing Up!

This is so bittersweet! My last post for wire106 and ds106 (hopefully not ds106)! This semester was so much fun and its all thanks to this class! Ds106 was my favorite class I’ve taken so far here at UMW and I’m really glad I decided to take it. I was on the fence over the summer […]

My Favorite Assignment

Hiya! So for today’s Daily Create we were tasked with writing about our favorite assignment we did this semester: My all time favorite assignment was the Swede it! It was a video assignment and we were tasked with recreating an episode from the Wire. We also got bonus points if we made it in a […]

Sleepy Shot

So for today’s daily create we were tasked with taking a best sleepy shot. I first thought of my cat, Bo. He sleeps in the cutest ways sometimes. I took this picture a while back when I caught him sleeping with his paw over his face. Isn’t he cute!

Food Art!

Hi there! Today for the daily create we had to make food art! I decided to take some of the leftover halloween candy I had and I decided to make a pyramid with it! I had a lot of bottle caps so thats why I used them! Here it is!  

Tremendous Amount of Daily Creates!

Here’s today’s daily create! It was definitely a milestone since it is the 1000th day. We were supposed to pick 3 different photos from different daily creates and either collage them or merge them together. There were a few options to pick from in the description, one from the 1st, 10th, or the 100th daily […]

Swirling Water!

Hiya! Here is my daily create #1! I thought this was so cool when I saw that it was the daily create for the day! I did a little brainstorming before I went to film the final product. I wanted to be original in the way I figured it out. But with all of the […]

What is playing on my Radio?

Today, the Daily Create was to tune your radio to whatever 106 station there was on the radio. I totally didn’t realize that we were supposed to do that! But I was running errands today and I just decided to record whatever came on as soon as I turned on my car. So this is what […]

Early Morning Meal with My Cats

Today’s daily create was to take a picture of something that you used to do with a pet. Well, since I’m living in a dorm this year I can’t actually have a pet so I used an old photo that I took before I came back to school. I used to get up for the opening […]