Finishing Up!

This is so bittersweet! My last post for wire106 and ds106 (hopefully not ds106)! This semester was so much fun and its all thanks to this class! Ds106 was my favorite class I’ve taken so far here at UMW and I’m really glad I decided to take it. I was on the fence over the summer […]

The Frozen Dead

Hiya! So another mashup down! I decided to do the trailer mashup because it really stuck out to me when I was brainstorming ideas for the mashups. So I was thinking of different movies/tv shows that I could mash up and Frozen was the first thing that I came up with. Then I was thinking […]

TV Trailer

Hi! So my first assignment, Trailer It (3 stars) was a lot of fun to make! I was deciding what I would make throughout the week and this one jumped out at me immediately. I am currently rewatching all of The Office on Netflix, when I get a free moment, and I thought this show would […]

What Inspiration Means to Me

Hi there! This week, after a tedious week of editing audio for our Radio News Show DTSW 76.5, the final product is premiering on ds106 radio! While we are preparing for our group discussion on our process for creating the radio show, our task is to get inspired! And I think this is a great topic […]

Breakfast Time!

Hey guys! This assignment, Sound Effects Story (3 1/2 stars), was actually really fun! I was able to play around with audacity more than I did the last audio week. We had to tell a story without using any vocals. At first I thought this was a challenge as I was brainstorming ideas I could do […]

Website Banner

For this assignment, I decided to make another one! I saw the one called the Website Logo but I thought the Website Banner would be fun too! I decided to create the assignment because I was looking to create a banner for my website and I thought I could get credit for it too! I had a […]

Favorite Lyrics

3 1/2 star finished! This assignment was a lot of fun! I was supposed to find my favorite lyric and add it to a photo. While scrolling through the assignment page, this caught my eye just like my story map did. As I started brainstorming what I wanted to do for this assignment, I realized that […]