Hey guys! This assignment, Sound Effects Story (3 1/2 stars), was actually really fun! I was able to play around with audacity more than I did the last audio week. We had to tell a story without using any vocals. At first I thought this was a challenge as I was brainstorming ideas I could do for this, but then I just asked myself, what do you do on a daily basis? And there first thing that popped into my head, was breakfast. I always make sure I eat breakfast before I start my day. If I don’t, my day will just be off for the rest of the day. So anyway, I thought why don’t I tell a story of someone getting bowl of cereal. As soon as I had my main concept, I broke down how someone would get a bowl of cereal. I thought it would be strange for someone to start eating the cereal right away so I felt like there needed to be some sort of introduction to the space, which is the kitchen. I have the woman walking (high heeled steps on the wooden floor) into the kitchen then flick the light on. She walks over to the counter where she grabs her bowl and spoon. She picks up a box of cereal and pours it in the bowl. She then walks to the fridge to get the milk, she pours the milk into the bowl, puts the milk back in the fridge. She then enjoys her bowl of cereal!

While I was making this I was trying to figure out how I could get all of the sounds to put it together. After googling a little, I found a good website where I could download different sound effects for free. This website is where I found most of my sound effects. After I found this website, I searched for different sounds and chose which one was the best for the one to use in the track. I downloaded the sounds and added them to the track in audacity. I cut and pasted the audio into the final product until the whole story was complete!

I really enjoyed making this and I hope you enjoy it!

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