So for those of you who don’t know, for one of my classes this semester, I will be creating an “application.” What I mean by “application” is a website that will be optimized for mobile devices. In my last blog post, I set out wanting to completely create my own application. That meant I would start from the ground and work my way up to what would potentially look like a well designed application. It definitely wouldn’t be something that was professionally done, but I would have attempted to show what steps it took to create an application. I started looking for places to start, but I just kept getting pushed back. I realized that what I was trying to complete something that would have taken years of experience. I unfortunately don’t know much about coding, so that kind of put me at a disadvantage.

I decided that I would switch to something I was more comfortable with but still had ways to learn new skills. So I decided to switch from completely coding the application itself to using a WordPress site and build it out so that it becomes like a mobile application. I’ve used WordPress before, well you wouldn’t be reading this if I hadn’t used it before. I feel very comfortable with WordPress and I know that there are plenty of new skills I can learn through this project.

This is what the website looks like currently

I’ve already set up a new subdomain for the project. At the moment the site is on but I will most likely move it towards the end of the semester when I can figure out a more concrete name for website.

At the moment I have a plugin set up where you can login using your Facebook. Then you will get an email with your username and password. You can continue to login with Facebook but you also have the option to login with the username and password given in that email. Then you have the option to add your own recipe, edit your profile, and even view other recipes. I’m still working on the Members, Groups and Tags portion to the site. I also plan to create a logo for the site itself. However, my main focus at the moment it to build out the form each user will fill out to create a new post for each recipe.

The project is definitely still a work in progress but I’ve definitely learned a lot already! Feel free to make yourself a user and start posting recipes!


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