For this assignment we had to take a picture of something then take another one where we change something around in the picture itself. I decided my cork board on my desk would be the perfect place for this! I Have a lot of pictures and memories on this board so I figured it would be kind of tough to figure out what was different about the two pictures! Here is the first one!

Check it out on Flickr!
Check it out on Flickr!


Now this next one might be tricky to find what I moved around.

Check it out on Flickr!
Check it out on Flickr!

Can’t figure out what I moved around? Check out this post over here for the answers! Good Luck!

2 Responses

  1. I was right! I saw that you moved the scissors and the bracelet so I went to your answer post to make sure I was right and I was. 🙂 I saw the bracelet first and almost stopped there but then I thought maybe you were being tricky and moved more than one thing and the scissor caught my attention (probably because of the bright pink color). This was a great place to do this assignment though!

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