Hi there! This week in the DKC (Digital Knowledge Center) We focused on video editing. So as part of our training we get to work with different assignments in the ds106 assignment bank. So I decided to Return to the Silent Era! In this assignment I was to take a trailer and render it so that it would look like it came from the silent film era. Meaning, I added a black and white filter, and took all of the audio out, replacing it with a silent film soundtrack. I also added different slides to add dialogue like a silent film would do. So while I was looking at different trailers to use, I went to this YouTube Channel MOVIECLIPS Trailers. This channel is chock full of different trailers, of new movies that are just coming out this week to older movies that have come out this year. I stumbled upon this trailer and I thought I would give it a shot:

So once I had my trailer picked out, I converted the video so that I could download it to import it to iMovie. I used a website called ClipConverter to do this. I then imported the video file into iMovie. I first turned the entire clip into black and white so it would look like a silent film. Then I went through and split the clip into smaller pieces where there was some dialogue. Once I had the clip split up, I went to create the text clips I added to share the dialogue. I found this border on google that I thought was great to use. The original was white so when I added it to photoshop, so I changed it to black to match the traditional silent film text slides.


Then I went to find some music. I wanted it to sound like it would be used in a silent film but I also wanted it to work with the mood of the trailer. I tried different YouTube videos until I found this one. I found this video with a compilation of silent film music.   After I found the music I wanted I downloaded it and added it to the video. I ended up using the first song that was in the video because I thought that one fit the best with the trailer. This is the final product, and I have to say I really like how it turned out. There are some minor edits I could have done but I am still learning how to work with iMovie and different tools in Photoshop. But anyway I hope you enjoy it!

Here is a shot of me editing it in iMovie.


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