Hey guys! So I just wanted to write this up quickly, but the radio shows are premiering! Tonight was the first night of three nights where our final radio shows will be shown on ds106radio! Tonight was The Science Behind the Wire! Carmela, Ien, Jeremy, and John created this show, where they discussed different technologies that were in the Wire. It was really cool to listen! I definitely learned a lot. Here’s the actual show! I’ll link the archive from the actual radio show when it goes up.

So as far as the live tweeting goes, I used an app called TweetDeck, which helped me look at different hashtags associated with the radio show and my class itself. This is what the app itself looks like:


To take the screen shots, I used an app called SkitchNote, which is sort of like Grab (if you’re a Apple user), but you can add arrows and different shapes to emphasize one part over another, and you can even blur out different parts that you don’t want to show. Now here is a feed of what other people in the class were tweeting while the broadcast was going on!







I really enjoyed the show and I can’t wait to hear the other ones!

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